Hello Guys ...
I want to use Hypermails feature "msg2archive" to store the messages I'm receiving from a Mailinglist in HTML format. The readme that comes with "msg2archive" is unfortunately for a non Linux Guru like me not sufficient.
I followed so far these steps:
- installed the Hypermail RPM package (2b29) - Downloaded the Hypermail src package - made the following changes in lists.h:
#ifdef exchange
#define HYPERMAIL "/usr/bin/hypermail"
#define ARCHIVE "/home/httpd/html/archives/exchange"
#define MAILBOXDIR "/home/exchange/Mail"
#define LABEL "Exchange Mailing List"
#define ABOUT_LINK "../"
#define LISTNAME "exchange"
exchangemail: msg2archive.c lists.h
$(CC) -Dexchange -o $_at_ msg2archive.c
exchange-rdmsg: mbox2hypermail.c lists.h
$(CC) -Dexchange -o $_at_ mbox2hypermail.c
#exchange: "!/usr/bin/msg2archive"
Hmmm ... So something goes wrong .. I tried changing the entry in /etc/alias in:
exchange: "|usr/bin/msg2archive -A /home/httpd/html/archives/exchange -H /usr/bin/hypermail -M /home/exchange/Mail -L "Exchange-MailingList -l \"Exchange Mailing List\"""
This seems to do the trick but the titel for the pages are all wrong (stdin By Subject)
Offcourse I'm doing something wrong .... ;)
Any help will be appreciated !
Josh Received on Sun 28 May 2000 06:11:32 PM GMT
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.2.0 : Thu 22 Feb 2007 07:33:52 PM GMT GMT