Then it seems that my only recourse is to alter the c files. Would this work?
In print.c, in fprint_menu, simply comment out these lines, like so:
/* COMMENTED OUT TO NOT CREATE THE THREAD VIEW LINK ** if (idx != THREAD_INDEX) ** fprintf(fp, "<th><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></th>\n", thrdname, ** lang[MSG_THREAD_VIEW]);
2. To change the wording in the link from "Other mail archives" to "Other lists"
In print.c, which seems to be the only place the string "MSG_OTHER_MAIL_ARCHIVES" appears, simply change "MSG_OTHER_MAIL_ARCHIVES" to "MSG_OTHER_LISTS", like so, in several places:
Does the lang function just convert "MSG_OTHER_MAIL_ARCHIVES" to "Other mail archives"? (Is lang a built in c function, or where is it defined?)
3. Assuming the above is correct, which make command should I run?
make clean?
make clobber?
make install?
Thanks again for your patience with my non-C-head questions, but someone in the office wants these changes, and so...
Ron Received on Thu 08 Mar 2001 02:01:22 PM GMT
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