[hypermail] couple of small bugs in hypermail-2b30

From: Greg Shenaut <greg_at_bogslab.ucdavis.edu_at_hypermail-project.org>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 12:25:44 -0800
Message-Id: <200103302025.MAA45930_at_thistle.bogs.org>

Sorry for not sending patches, but here are some fixes marked with "BOGS".

First, in parse.c

parse.c-777-		/* base64 decoding */
parse.c-778-		int len;
parse.c-779-		base64Decode(ptr, output, &len);
parse.c:780:		output += len ;	/* BOGS was len - 1 */
parse.c-781-	    }
parse.c-782-	    else {
parse.c-783-		/* unsupported encoding type */

This caused the last character of rfc2047-encoded usernames to be chopped off.

Second, in libcgi/form_ent.c

form_ent.c-162-    int asize;
form_ent.c-163-    int i;
form_ent.c-164-    int c;
form_ent.c:165:	int c1, c2;	/* BOGS */
form_ent.c-167-    while (isspace(c = getccl(stream, length)) || c == '&');
form_ent.c-168-    if (c == EOF)

form_ent.c-183- fe->name[i] = ' '; form_ent.c-184- break; form_ent.c-185- case '%': form_ent.c:186: c1 = getccl(stream, length); /* BOGS */ form_ent.c:187: c2 = getccl(stream, length); /* BOGS */ form_ent.c:188: fe->name[i] = dd2c(c1, c2); /* BOGS */ form_ent.c-189- break; form_ent.c-190- default: form_ent.c-191- fe->name[i] = c;
form_ent.c-215- fe->val[i] = ' '; form_ent.c-216- break; form_ent.c-217- case '%': form_ent.c:218: c1 = getccl(stream, length); /* BOGS */ form_ent.c:219: c2 = getccl(stream, length); /* BOGS */ form_ent.c:220: fe->val[i] = dd2c(c1, c2); /* BOGS */ form_ent.c-221- break; form_ent.c-222- default: form_ent.c-223- fe->val[i] = c;

The old code reversed the order of urlencoded bytes on my FreeBSD/gcc system.

Greg Shenaut Received on Sat 31 Mar 2001 06:30:51 PM GMT

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