[hypermail] HM 2.1.0 on AIX

From: Bela Gazdy <bela_at_bluedog.cc.emory.edu_at_hypermail-project.org>
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 11:32:50 -0400 (EDT)
Message-Id: <200104131532.LAA17516_at_bluedog.cc.emory.edu>

HM 2.0.0 compiles on AIX out of the box. Works great too. However 'configure' does not seem to detect the properly installed libgdbm.a and gdbm.h entities, in the /usr/local hierarchy. Making symlinks to /usr/lib and /usr/include remedies the problem, and compilation won't bomb out with undefined 'set_usegdbm' stuff. I have not been able to track down the new features, but it works like a champ with old applications. Thanks folks!


Bela Gazdy, EUCLID System Support, and | He who shook his family tree,... Curmudgeon of Teaching & Research _at_ITD | ...and a bunch of nuts fell out. Received on Fri 13 Apr 2001 06:20:35 PM GMT

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