mike_at_bedarra.com ("Mike Thomas") writes:
> I have noticed that the timestamps on all msgs are the same as when
>hypermail was last run, even when the mbox has not changed. Does this mean
>the archive is being re-written everytime? I did some tests and running
>hypermail on a folder immediately after it has just been run takes the same
>amount of time as the first run. I guess my question is how does hypermail
>determine if a msg has already been processed(Parse the html for msgid
> No, I am not using the -x option when creating my archive.
The overwrite option defaults to On, so using the -x option is redundant under default conditions. Put overwrite = 0 in your .hmrc. It's confusing to have a -x option with the current default. It was apparently created when the overwrite option defaulted to Off. I suspect the default for overwrite was changed to On so that archives which updated from 1.02 to 2.* would have all their messages in the same style? Does anyone have an opinion about what should change to make this less confusing?
For people who are interested in the timestamps rather than the rewriting, I've put a script contrib/fixhtime.pl in the distribution which can be run after hypermail to set the timestamps to the message dates.
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.2.0 : Thu 22 Feb 2007 07:33:53 PM GMT GMT