[hypermail] Subject Line of Replied Messages

From: Hsu, Ya-Fei <Ya-Fei.Hsu_at_marconi.com_at_hypermail-project.org>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 11:16:16 -0400
Message-ID: <1DE644007776D3119FAC00204840ECF405AA3B10_at_whq-msgusr-03.pit.comms.marconi.com>

I recently re-installed hypermail.tar.gz (23-MAY-2001) and noticed that the subject header gets messed up when using "Reply" hyperlink in a message. For example, the subject header became as follows and the message did not indent with it's original message:

Re: [atm-nic] Hypermail is ready to re-install on Production%26In
t.comms.marconi.com> <0036.html>

And the html code for the "Reply" hyperlink is as follows: <a
href="mailto:atm-nic_at_marconi.com?Subject=Re:%20[atm-nic]%20Hypermail%20is%20 ready%20to%20re-install%20on%20Production%2526In-Reply-To=%2526lt;1DE6440077 76D3119FAC00204840ECF405AA3B07_at_whq-msgusr-03.pit.comms.marconi.com&gt;">Repl y</a>

Is there any template for those individual message (e.g. 0011.html) I can modify? Please advise how to fix it.

Ya-Fei Hsu
Internet Applications Development
Marconi Communications
Direct: 724-742-6681
www.marconi.com Received on Fri 03 Aug 2001 06:23:09 PM GMT

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