[hypermail] Problems with old mbox

From: Daniele Frijia <cosmo_at_infra.de_at_hypermail-project.org>
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 19:22:24 +0200
Message-ID: <20010811192224.G25038_at_infra.de>


i have an old mbox file.
I want the archive splitted into months (and years). But hypermail and the scripts contributed in archive/ dont look into the mail-date but todays date. So all mails are putted into 2001/Aug . Does someone know, how to handle this problem? Before writing a script that parse the date and writes the mails I want to know if someone has done this before. I dont like reinvent stuff ;-).

Regards, Daniele Received on Sat 11 Aug 2001 07:28:57 PM GMT

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