[hypermail] Need to further customize hypermail

From: Chris Schmidt <chris_at_devine.net_at_hypermail-project.org>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 06:30:34 -0500
Message-ID: <006901c14747$d3368420$0400a8c0_at_shimpshouse.com>

Hello, I am using hypermail along with a moderated mailing list to basically create a moderated wwwboard.

To see what I have done with it so far, go here http://www.bigradios.com/marketplace/archive

It is working great. However, I would like to be able to edit the html code that hypermail uses to create the archives. I have setup the index headers/footers the way I want, and the message headers/footers. But I would like to be able to customize the rest of the html.

Can I simply edit some files in the source code to do this or what?

Chris Received on Thu 27 Sep 2001 01:36:10 PM GMT

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