To get around all security problems with hypermail, I would like to simply not allow any attachments whatsoever. The documentation does not spell this out, as far as I can see. A search of the email archives found these:
Results for query "disallow all attachments"
Although there are a couple uncertain suggestions, there is no definitive word on how to disallow all attachments.
Here are a couple of the suggestions.
I *think* you can do that with "ingore_types", as I believe that accepts "wildcards"... So you can specify it to ignore all types.
I think you can accomplish what you want by using this option:
text_types = *
which is designed to cause all MIME types to be treated as text/plain.
Is there a definitive method for doing this?
Ron Received on Mon 04 Mar 2002 06:20:55 PM GMT
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