[hypermail] Patch for Hypermail

From: Carlos Martín Ugalde <carlos_at_scouts-es.org_at_hypermail-project.org>
Date: 18 Jun 2002 18:00:32 +0200
Message-Id: <1024416035.1049.8.camel_at_carlos>


Here there is a patch for Hypermail. It affects only to 2 files.

I have improved and completed the Spanish translation


I have modify the html code. <div class=\"center\"> This need to define a class named "center" for the div tag, that is not defined... and if you define a class like div.center { text-align: center } you will find that some browsers does not handle it correctly. If you use <div align=\"center\"> intead all browseres, fom IE to Links will manage it properly.

I hope this will help you :-)


? Makefile
? defaults.h
? getdate.c
? hypermail
? mail
? pcre/.libs
? pcre/Makefile
? pcre/RunTest
? pcre/chartables.c
? pcre/config.h
? pcre/config.log
? pcre/config.status
? pcre/dftables
? pcre/get.lo
? pcre/libtool
? pcre/maketables.lo
? pcre/pcre-config
? pcre/pcre.h
? pcre/pcre.lo
? pcre/study.lo

Index: lang.h

RCS file: /CVS/hypermail/src/lang.h,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -r1.16 lang.h
<   "Nuevo Mensaje",                    /* New Message - HTML */
<   "Responder",                        /* Reply  - HTML*/
<   "Acerca de la Lista",               /* About this list  - HTML*/
<   "Fin de los Mensajes",              /* End of Messages  - HTML*/
<   "Inicio de Mensajes",               /* Start of Messages  - HTML*/
<   "Por Fecha",                        /* Date view  - HTML*/
<   "Por Seguimiento",                  /* Thread view  - HTML*/
<   "Por Tema",                         /* Subject view  - HTML*/
<   "Por Autor",                        /* Author view  - HTML*/
<   "Otros Grupos",                     /* Other groups  - HTML*/
<   "Mensajes",                         /* Messages  - HTML*/
<   "Inicio",                           /* Starting  - HTML*/
<   "Fin",                              /* Ending  - HTML*/
<   "Acerca de este archivo",           /* About this archive - HTML */
<   "Ordenados Por",                    /* Messages sorted by  - HTML*/
<   "Otros archivos de correo",         /* Other mail archives  - HTML*/
<   "Por Fecha",                        /* By Date  - HTML*/
<   "Mensajes recientes",               /* Most recent messages - HTML */
<   "autor",                            /* author - HTML*/
<   "fecha",                            /* date - HTML*/
<   "seguimiento",                      /* thread - HTML*/
<   "tema",                             /* subject - HTML*/
<   "para las opciones",                /* for options - STDOUT*/
<   "Escribiendo Mensajes en",          /* Writing articles to - STDOUT*/
<   "Escribiendo Indice de Fechas en",  /* Writing date index to - STDOUT*/
<   "Escribiendo Indice de Seguimientos en", /* Writing thread index to  - STDOUT*/
<   "Escribiendo Indice de Temas en",   /* Writing subject index to - STDOUT*/
<   "Escribiendo Indice de Autores en", /* Writing author index to  - STDOUT*/
<   "Fecha del mensaje final",          /* Last message date - HTML */
<   "Archivado el ",                    /* Archived on  - HTML*/
<   "No se puede ejecutar chmod",       /* Can not chmod - STDERR */
<   "No se pudo escribir",              /* Could not write - STDERR */
<   "Mensaje siguiente",                /* Next message  - HTML*/
<   "Mensaje anterior",                 /* Previous message  - HTML*/
<   "Respuesta posible a ",             /* Maybe in reply to  - HTML*/
<   "En Respuesta a",                   /* In reply to  - HTML*/
<   "Siguiente en el seguimiento",      /* Next in thread  - HTML*/
<   "Posible respuesta",                /* Maybe reply  - HTML*/
<   "Por Seguimiento",                  /* By Thread  - HTML*/
<   "Por Tema",                         /* By Subject  - HTML*/
<   "Por Autor",                        /* By Author  - HTML*/
<   "No se puede crear el directorio",  /* Can not create directory - STDERR */
<   "Creando el directorio",            /* Creating directory - STDOUT */
<   "Valores de Conf.",                 /* Configuration Values - STDOUT */
<   "ruta",                             /* path - STDOUT */
<   "No hay suficiente memoria!",       /* Ran out of memory! - STDERR */
<   "Este archivo fue generado por",    /* This archive was generated by - HTML*/
<   "Elementos",                        /* Elements - STDOUT */
<   "No Existen Elementos",             /* No Elements - STDOUT */
<   "No se puede abrir el archivo de correo", /* Cannot open mail archive - STDERR */
<   "Leyendo el encabezado nuevo...",   /* Reading new header... - STDOUT */
<   "Cargando la casilla",              /* Loading mailbox - STDOUT */
<   "No se puede codificar en este momento, se graba -tal cual-", 
<                           /* encoding is not supported, stored as-is - HTML */

> "Nuevo mensaje", /* New Message - HTML */
> "Responder", /* Reply - HTML */
> "Acerca de la lista", /* About this list - HTML */
> "Fin de los Mensajes", /* End of Messages - HTML */
> "Inicio de mensajes", /* Start of Messages - HTML */
> "Por fecha", /* Date view - HTML */
> "Por conversación", /* Thread view - HTML */
> "Por tema", /* Subject view - HTML */
> "Por autor", /* Author view - HTML */
> "Otros grupos", /* Other groups - HTML */
> "Mensajes", /* Messages - HTML */
> "Inicio", /* Starting - HTML */
> "Fin", /* Ending - HTML */
> "Acerca de este archivo", /* About this archive - HTML */
> "Ordenados por", /* Messages sorted by - HTML */
> "Otros archivos de correo", /* Other mail archives - HTML */
> "Por fecha", /* By Date - HTML */
> "Últimos mensajes", /* Most recent messages - HTML */
> "autor", /* author - HTML */
> "fecha", /* date - HTML */
> "Hilo de conversación", /* thread - HTML */
> "tema", /* subject - HTML */
> "para las opciones", /* for options - STDOUT*/
> "Escribiendo mensajes en", /* Writing articles to - STDOUT*/
> "Escribiendo índice de fechas en", /* Writing date index to - STDOUT*/
> "Escribiendo índice de conversaciones en",
> /* Writing thread index to - STDOUT*/
> "Escribiendo índice de temas en", /* Writing subject index to - STDOUT*/
> "Escribiendo índice de autores en", /* Writing author index to - STDOUT*/
> "Fecha del último mensaje", /* Last message date - HTML */
> "Archivado el ", /* Archived on - HTML */
> "No se puede ejecutar chmod", /* Can not chmod - STDERR*/
> "No se pudo escribir", /* Could not write - STDERR*/
> "Siguiente mensaje", /* Next message - HTML */
> "Mensaje anterior", /* Previous message - HTML */
> "Posiblemente en respuesta a ", /* Maybe in reply to - HTML */
> "En Respuesta a", /* In reply to - HTML */
> "Siguiente en conversación", /* Next in thread - HTML */
> "Posible respuesta", /* Maybe reply - HTML */
> "Por conversación", /* By Thread - HTML */
> "Por tema", /* By Subject - HTML */
> "Por autor", /* By Author - HTML */
> "No se puede crear el directorio", /* Can not create directory - STDERR*/
> "Creando el directorio", /* Creating directory - STDOUT*/
> "Parámetros de configuracón", /* Configuration Values - STDOUT*/
> "ruta", /* path - STDOUT*/
> "¡No hay suficiente memoria!", /* Ran out of memory! - STDERR*/
> "Este archivo fue generado por", /* This archive was generated by- HTML */
> "Elementos", /* Elements - STDOUT*/
> "No existen elementos", /* No Elements - STDOUT*/
> "No se puede abrir el archivo de correo",
> /* Cannot open mail archive - STDERR*/
> "Leyendo el encabezado nuevo...", /* Reading new header... - STDOUT*/
> "Cargando la casilla", /* Loading mailbox - STDOUT*/
> "codificación no soportada, grabado -tal cual-",
> /* encoding is not supported, stored as-is - HTML*/ 633,642c635,644 < "Ver. ", /* Version - STDOUT */ < "Parche No.", /* Patchlevel - STDOUT */ < "Docs", /* Docs - STDOUT */ < "Variables de Comandos y Control", /* Command and Control Variables - STDOUT */ < "Si", /* Yes - STDOUT */ < "No", /* No - STDOUT */ < "Acerca del Archivo:no utilizado", /* About the archive: not used - STDOUT */ < "Otros Archivos: no utilizado", /* Other archives: not used - STDOUT */ < "Variable no utilizada", /* address not used - STDOUT */
< "Comando interno <BODY> utilizado", /* Builtin <BODY> statement used - STDOUT */

> "Versión", /* Version - STDOUT*/
> "Parche No.", /* Patchlevel - STDOUT*/
> "Docs", /* Docs - STDOUT*/
> "Variables de comandos y control", /* Command and Control Variables- STDOUT*/
> "Si", /* Yes - STDOUT*/
> "No", /* No - STDOUT*/
> "Acerca del archivo: no utilizado", /* About the archive: not used - STDOUT*/
> "Otros archivos: no utilizado", /* Other archives: not used - STDOUT*/
> "dirección no utilizada", /* address not used - STDOUT*/
> "Utilizado <BODY> predefinido", /* Builtin <BODY> statement used - STDOUT*/
644,648c646,650 < /* Cannot read from both file and stdin. - STDERR */ < "Opciones", /* Options - STDOUT */ < "URL de otros Archivos", /* URL to other archives - STDOUT */ < "URL de Información de Archivos", /* URL to archive information - STDOUT */ < "Archivo de conf. para leer", /* Configuration file to read in - STDOUT */ --- > /* Cannot read from both file and stdin. - STDERR*/
> "Opciones", /* Options - STDOUT*/
> "URL de otros archivos", /* URL to other archives - STDOUT*/
> "URL de información de archivos", /* URL to archive information - STDOUT*/
> "Archivo de conf. para leer", /* Configuration file to read in - STDOUT*/
650c652 < /* The directory to save HTML files in - STDOUT */ --- > /* The directory to save HTML files in - STDOUT*/ 652,655c654,657 < /* Read messages from standard input - STDOUT */ < "Nombre del archivo de salida", /* What to name the output archive - STDOUT */ < "Archivo de correo para leer", /* Mail archive to read in - STDOUT */ < "Mostrar avance", /* Show progress - STDOUT */ --- > /* Read messages from standard input - STDOUT*/
> "Nombre del archivo de salida", /* What to name the output archive - STDOUT*/
> "Archivo de correo para leer", /* Mail archive to read in - STDOUT*/
> "Mostrar progreso", /* Show progress - STDOUT*/
657,704c659,708 < /* Show configuration variables only - STDOUT*/ < "Mostrar info. de version y salir", < /* Show version information and exit - STDOUT*/ < "Actualizar el archivo de a un mensaje", < /* Update archive by one article - STDOUT*/ < "Sobreescribir mensajes anteriores", /* Overwrite previous messages - STDOUT*/ < "Especifique un idioma a utilizar", /* Specify language to use - STDOUT*/ < "Modo de uso", /* Usage -STDOUT*/ < "Lenguaje no incorporado", /* Language not supported -STDERR*/ < "No establecido", /* Not set -STDOUT*/ < "No utilizado", /* Not used -STDOUT*/ < "Archivo Añadido creado", /* Created attachment file -STDOUT*/ < "A&ntilde;adido", /* attachment -HTML*/ < "modo", /* mode -STDOUT*/ < "Leyendo encabezados antiguos", /* Reading old headers -STDOUT*/ < "", /* (for alignment only) -STDOUT*/ < "ERROR", /* ERROR -STDERR*/ < "The submission address of the list", < /* The submission address of the list-STDERR*/ < "Read only one mail from input", < "Autor", /* author - HTML*/ < "Fecha", /* date - HTML*/ < "Tema", /* subject - HTML*/ < "Mail actions", /* Mail actions (MA) header -HTML*/ < "mail a new topic", /* MA New Message -HTML*/ < "respond to this message", /* MA Reply -HTML*/ < "Summary of Monthly Index Files", /* monthly -HTML*/ < "Summary of Yearly Index Files", /* yearly -HTML*/ < "Build a GDBM header cache", /* Build a GDBM header cache -STDOUT*/ < "Creating gdbm index... ", /* Creating gdbm index -STDOUT*/ < "Can't create gdbm file... ", /* Can't create gdbm index -STDOUT*/ < "Maintain an mbox archive", /* Maintain an mbox archive -STDOUT*/ < "Can't both read from and write to an mbox.", /* "Can't both read from and write to an mbox." -STDOUT*/ < "Por Añadido", /* Attachment view -HTML*/ < "Por mensajes con añadidos", /* By messages with attachments -HTML*/ < "Escribiendo Indice de Añadidos en", /* Writing attachment index to -STDOUT*/ < "bytes", /* file size, so far only for attachments -HTML */ < "Cannot create symbolic link", /* MSG_CANNOT_CREATE_SYMLINK -STDOUT */ < "Cannot remove file", /* MSG_CANNOT_UNLINK -STDOUT */ < "Previous Folder", /* MSG_PREV_DIRECTORY -HTML */ < "Next Folder", /* MSG_NEXT_DIRECTORY -HTML */ < "List of Folders", /* MSG_FOLDERS_INDEX -HTML */ < "This message has been deleted from the archive", /* MSG_DELETED -HTML */ < "This message has expired", /* MSG_EXPIRED -HTML */ < "(deleted message)", /* MSG_DEL_SHORT -HTML */ < "Original text of this message", /* MSG_TXT_VERSION -HTML */ < "This message has been filtered out", /* MSG_FILTERED_OUT -HTML */ < "Autor", /* MSG_FROM - HTML*/ --- > /* Show configuration variables only - STDOUT*/
> "Mostrar información de versión y salir",
> /* Show version information and exit - STDOUT*/
> "Actualizar archivo con un mensaje",/*Update archive by one article - STDOUT*/
> "Sobreescribir mensajes anteriores",/* Overwrite previous messages - STDOUT*/
> "Especifique idioma utilizar", /* Specify language to use - STDOUT*/
> "Modo de uso", /* Usage - STDOUT*/
> "Idioma no soportado", /* Language not supported - STDERR*/
> "No establecido", /* Not set - STDOUT*/
> "No utilizado", /* Not used - STDOUT*/
> "Archivo adjunto creado", /* Created attachment file - STDOUT*/
> "adjunto", /* attachment - HTML */
> "modo", /* mode - STDOUT*/
> "Leyendo encabezados antiguos", /* Reading old headers - STDOUT*/
> "", /* (for alignment only) - STDOUT*/
> "Dirección de correo de la lista",
> /* The submission address of the list - STDERR*/
> "Leer sólo un mensaje de la entrada",
> /* Read only one mail from input */
> "Autor", /* author - HTML */
> "Fecha", /* date - HTML */
> "Tema", /* subject - HTML */
> "Cabecera MA (Mail actions)", /* Mail actions (MA) header - HTML */
> "Enviar un nuevo tema", /* MA New Message - HTML */
> "responder a este mensaje", /* MA Reply - HTML */
> "Resumen de índices mensuales", /* monthly - HTML */
> "Resumen de índices anuales", /* yearly - HTML */
> "Costruir cabecera para caché GDBM",/* Build a GDBM header cache - STDOUT*/
> "Creando índice gdbm... ", /* Creating gdbm index - STDOUT*/
> "No pudo crearse fichero gdbm... ", /* Can't create gdbm index - STDOUT*/
> "Mantener un archivo mbox", /* Maintain an mbox archive - STDOUT*/
> "No se puede leer y escribir al tiempo de un fichero mbox.",
> /* "Can't both read from and write to an mbox." - STDOUT*/
> "Por adjuntos", /* Attachment view - HTML */
> "Por mensajes con adjuntos", /* By messages with attachments - HTML */
> "Escribiendo índice de adjuntos en",/* Writing attachment index to - STDOUT*/
> "bytes", /* file size, so far only for attachments - HTML */
> "No pudo crearse enlace simbólico", /* MSG_CANNOT_CREATE_SYMLINK - STDOUT*/
> "No puede borrarse fichero", /* MSG_CANNOT_UNLINK - STDOUT*/
> "Carpeta anterior", /* MSG_PREV_DIRECTORY - HTML */
> "Siguiente carpeta", /* MSG_NEXT_DIRECTORY - HTML */
> "Lista de carpetas", /* MSG_FOLDERS_INDEX - HTML */
> "El mensaje ha sido borrado del archivo",
> "El mensaje ha caducado", /* MSG_EXPIRED - HTML */
> "(mensaje borrado)", /* MSG_DEL_SHORT - HTML */
> "Texto original del mensaje", /* MSG_TXT_VERSION - HTML */
> "El mensaje ha sido filtrado", /* MSG_FILTERED_OUT - HTML */
> "Autor", /* MSG_FROM - HTML */
Index: print.c =================================================================== RCS file: /CVS/hypermail/src/print.c,v retrieving revision 1.47 diff -r1.47 print.c 190c190 < "<div class=\"center\">\n<table border=\"2\" width=\"100%%\">\n<tr>\n"); --- > "<div align=\"center\">\n<table border=\"2\" width=\"100%%\">\n<tr>\n"); 285c285 < fprintf(fp, "<div class=\"center\">\n"); --- > fprintf(fp, "<div align=\"center\">\n"); 1865c1865 < "<div class=\"center\">\n<table width=\"80%%\">\n<tr><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td></tr>\n", --- > "<div align=\"center\">\n<table width=\"80%%\">\n<tr><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td></tr>\n", 1962c1962 < "<div class=\"center\">\n<table width=\"80%%\">\n<tr><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td></tr>\n", --- > "<div align=\"center\">\n<table width=\"80%%\">\n<tr><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td></tr>\n", 2062c2062 < "<div class=\"center\">\n<table>\n<tr><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong> %s</strong></u></td></tr>\n", --- > "<div align=\"center\">\n<table>\n<tr><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong> %s</strong></u></td></tr>\n", 2205c2205 < "<div class=\"center\">\n<table>\n<tr><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong> %s</strong></u></td></tr>\n", --- > "<div align=\"center\">\n<table>\n<tr><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong> %s</strong></u></td></tr>\n", 2354c2354 < "<div class=\"center\">\n<table>\n<tr><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong> %s</strong></u></td></tr>\n", --- > "<div align=\"center\">\n<table>\n<tr><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong> %s</strong></u></td></tr>\n", 2496c2496 < "<div class=\"center\">\n<table>\n<tr><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong> %s</strong></u></td></tr>\n", --- > "<div align=\"center\">\n<table>\n<tr><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong>%s</strong></u></td><td><u><strong> %s</strong></u></td></tr>\n",
Received on Tue 18 Jun 2002 09:20:38 PM GMT

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.3.0 : Sat 13 Mar 2010 03:46:12 AM GMT GMT