[hypermail] New bug: attachments are not being overwritten

From: Jose Kahan <jose.kahan_at_w3.org_at_hypermail-project.org>
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 18:18:32 +0200
Message-ID: <20030729161832.GB4378_at_inrialpes.fr>

I noticed that if an attachment file exists and I ask hypermail to overwrite a given directory, the attachment file will only be touched (an update on its date), but it won't be rewritten. It took me some time to understand why my latest changes were not being applied to the attachments.

If someone who is familiar with the code related to this problem can take a look, I'll be grateful. Otherwise, I'll try to fix it up tomorrow!

I'm using hypermail out from cvs. This bug is at least as old as version 2.1.7.


-jose Received on Tue 29 Jul 2003 06:18:58 PM GMT

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