Hypermail 2.0b - single message update from standard input

From: Paradise Cowgirl <minerva_at_phix.com_at_hypermail-project.org>
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 17:50:54 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.980605171220.9714A-100000_at_phix.com>

Hello, everyone,

Chances are (being Friday after 5p and all) I've just been staring at this too long so maybe somebody can help me out...

I'm a long time user of hypermail and am attempting to use the latest release the way I was using version 1.03b. I'm using this on Solaris 2.5 (not 2.5.1).

I seem to be having a problem getting the newest version to work with standard input. I run the following:

cat beta-wire | hypermail-2.0b -p -i -u -l "U2 - Wire Archives" \

-d "/home/minerva/public_html/archives/beta-wire" \
-b "http://www.wildheart.org/archives/wire/about.html" \
-a "http://www.wildheart.org/archives/

where beta-wire is a single Unix style email message.

The archive is not updated and I get the following messages:

	Reading old headers...  50 articles.
	hypermail: Couldn't open mail archive "mbox".
	hypermail: type "hypermail -z" for options.

(The number of articles is correct)

I reviewed the current docs just to make sure Kent wasn't so bold as to change the command line options ;-) and I can't see what I'm doing that shouldn't work.

Doing exactly the same thing with the previous version of hypermail works fine.

Any ideas anyone?

Darci "Paradise Cowgirl" Chapman

information is not knowledge. knowledge is not
wisdom.  wisdom is not truth.  truth is not beauty.
beauty is not love. love is not music.
music is the best.   -- FZ
Received on Sat 06 Jun 1998 02:53:51 AM GMT

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