From: Zvi Har'El <>
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1998 09:15:19 +0200 (IST)
Message-ID: <>


The header file parameters in the environment do not work as the manual page says. Instead of specifying a path name to the file containing the header, they are taken as the header itself. For example, if you set

setenv HM_IHTMLHEADERFILE=/path/to/some/file

the index file will have as the first few lines

<LI><STRONG><A HREF="#end">Most recent messages</A></STRONG>
<LI><STRONG>Messages sorted by:</STRONG>

and so on.

However, when the same variable is set in the configuration file, it is used as a path name, and the whole file is read in and its contents replace the value of the variable (this is done in file.c:384).

If this difference in behavior is intended, and I doubt it, it should be mentioned in the manual page. Otherwise, a patch is needed.



Dr. Zvi Har'El     Department of Mathematics
+972-4-8294094(Phone)                Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
+972-4-8324654(FAX)   Haifa 32000, ISRAEL
``If you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all.''--Thumper (1942)
Received on Sun 13 Sep 1998 09:20:27 AM GMT

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