Re: Archiving a mailing list

From: Charles Hall <>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 11:19:26 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Shane Wegner wrote:
> Sorry if this was asked before but it's not in the FAQ. I have noticed
> many mailing lists archived with hypermail which have different sections
> depending on the month. How is this done. At the moment, I have procmail
> filtering messages into ~/.marchive/listname and have listname.config. My
> script to do the nightly archiving looks something like:

They discussed something similar to this on the list a week or so ago. For users who are on the same server as the mail host, apparently you can snag the monthly archive direct from the server. I guess MajorDomo and Listproc have some sort of monthly archive option.

If you're not on the mail server, you could either send an email request for the monthly archive on a regular basis, or break it out by month as it arrives every day. That's what I have to do.

I run this script every night. It uses the the non-existence of a monthly directory to trigger it's creation and the erasure of the mail file (containing last month's mail). It also reindexes the entire archive.

#                 HYPERCRON - Hypermail Cron Job
#                           May 1998
#                        by Charles Hall
# Update the appropriate directory (i.e. "1998/May") with the mailbox
# and handle end-of-month processing. Let mailbox grow until the 1st day of the
# new month, then process it into last month and delete it; make a new sub-dir
# for the new month.
  $home = "/httpd/htdocs/baidarka"; # Mailing list archive is "baidarka"
  $mbox = "/var/spool/mail/baidarka"; # Local mail recipient is also "baidarka"

  _at_mon = (Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec); # Today's date.
  _at_now = localtime(time);
  $month = $mon[$now[4]];
  $year = $now[5] + 1900;

# At start of a new month, create new directory and # send last messages to previous month.

  if (! -e "$home/$year/$month") {

     `mkdir -p "$home/$year/$month"`;
     if ($month eq "Jan") {
        $month = "Dec";
     } else {
        $month = $mon[$now[4]-1];
     $flag = 1;


  _at_lp = `/usr/local/bin/hypermail -m $mbox -d $home/$year/$month -a "/baidarka" 2>&1`;
  print "hypermail -m $mbox -d $home/$year/$month -a /baidarka\n";   print _at_lp;   

#  _at_lp = `/usr/local/bin/swish -c /usr/local/Swish/baidarka.conf 2>&1`;
#  print "swish -c /usr/local/Swish/baidarka.conf\n";
#  print _at_lp;

   _at_lp = `/httpd/htdocs/baidarka/wgreindex -q 2>&1`;    print "/httpd/htdocs/wgreindex -q\n";    print _at_lp;

# Blank out last months accumulated mail.   if ($flag) {
# Can't unlink because of /var/spool/mail permissions, just open and close.

     open(X,">$mbox") || die "Couldn't open $mbox: $!\n";

Charles Hall
Total Sports
Raleigh, NC USA
Received on Mon 14 Sep 1998 05:24:52 PM GMT

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