Re: adding new messages to prior hypermail archive

From: Gordon H. Buchan <>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 10:13:10 -0400
Message-Id: <>

At 01:24 AM 9/25/98 -0400, Jeffrey K. MacKie-Mason wrote:
>I archived some 460 messages from a mailbox with Hypermail 1.02 about 3
>years ago. Now I want to use hypermail 2.03b to process a new mailbox
>and add the messages to the prior archive. I've tested 2.03b on the new
>mailbox, and it works fine when I give it an empty directory in which to
>create a new hypermail archive. However, when I point it at the
>directory with the prior 460-message archive, it changes the date stamp
>on the index files to today, but it doesn't append the 65 new messages
>to the archive.
>As far as I can see, the default behavior is supposed to be to append
>messages to an existing archive. I'm not using the -u or -x flags.

With a slight modification (removal of the -x switch, since this is to append, not replace), here is one of my batch files. Change paths and parameters to match your environment.

/home/gordon/bin/hypermail \

-b "" \
-a "" \
-m "/home/gordon/mail/cusid" \
-l "CUSIDnet Web Mirror" \
-d "/home/gordon/www/cusidnet/fall1998/" \
-c "/home/gordon/bin/.cusidnethyprc" > /dev/null

Note 1: /home/gordon/mail/cusid is a standard UNIX mail folder. Note 2: /home/gordon/www/cusidnet/fall1998 contains an existing hypermail archive.

Gordon H. Buchan
Technical Writer
Matrox Networks / Matrox Electronic Systems
email:          1055 St-Regis Blvd.
voice:  +1 (514) 685-7230 x2523     Dorval, Quebec
fax:    +1 (514) 822-6272           Canada H9P 2T4 Received on Sat 26 Sep 1998 01:16:35 PM GMT

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