On Sat, 7 Nov 1998 alex_at_crawfish.suba.com wrote:
> I'm sorry to ask such a dumb question, but does hypermail support
> searchable archives? Or do people use other programs to implement
> searches?
To my knowledge, no, Hypermail does not of itself support searches (I'll look pretty stupid if someone added that feature since v1.02...;-)
Since it's your system and you can get at the files, you can use a filesystem-based search, or of course a Web robot, or keep submitting to Altavista/Lycos etc...
I put together a (painfully slow) grep-based thing at e.g. http://vancouver-webpages.com/cgi-bin/webgrep/vanlug/1998-8 (try e.g. "COMDEX")
Something with an indexing engine would probably be better for a large list; "glimpse" perhaps
Andrew Daviel
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Received on Sun 08 Nov 1998 08:41:46 AM GMT
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