MIME disable option? (hopefully not FAQ)

From: Ron Brogden <rb_at_islandnet.com_at_hypermail-project.org>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 14:05:55 -0700
Message-Id: <m10YFob-000WT3C_at_mail.islandnet.com>

Howdy. I have tried searching the list archives as well as scouring the documentation to no avail. If this is covered in an FAQ or man page please refer me to it.

Basically, I most definitely do not want Hypermail to automagically decode and save MIME attachements into the archive directory. People should not be sending them to a list in the first place and I want to avoid any potential security issues this might lead to. The docs offer an "HM_IGNORE_TYPES" variable but unfortunately this appears to have no "wild card" option. It is not really feasible to add every single possible MIME type to this list since they are changing all the time anyways. What I want to happen is that if the message contains anything other than plain text it gets ignored (or at worst, gets inlined as plain text gobbledygook).

Is there was to achieve this with the rc file or a simple code hack? I took an initial look but it was not immediately obvious to me.

Thanks for any feedback. . .



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Received on Fri 16 Apr 1999 11:05:54 PM GMT

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