
From: Bernhard Reiter <bernhard_at_uwm.edu_at_hypermail-project.org>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 02:35:13 -0600
Message-ID: <19991130023513.B21378_at_alpha1.csd.uwm.edu>

Hello Daniel,

sorry that I didn't answer to most of your mails, but I am not on the mailinglist. So here my response.

On the (m|s)printf issue:
Of course should a limiting variant be
choosen. This was my whole point from the beginning. I just didn't bother to completely read through the mprintf() stuff and could'nt be sure that there might be something build in. :)

On the license issue:
Well I think that I know quite a bunch about all the different free software licenses. That is why I like the GPL. But again, you are right, we should not discuss it right now. I just saw that a bunch of files still had different license issues attached and wanted to point that out.

On the testing and release issue: I had hoped that the CVS would also include the more experimental code, so that I can get a chance to see some of it. Otherwise the chances are high that my little python script was all for nothong, because Kent already implemented a nicer version.

One more: I still think that hypermail should also save the full mail body part additionally, when there is an OpenPGP(PGP/MIME rfc2015) signed Mail. If we do it first, maybe somebody enhances a webbrowser to take advantage of it. Would be cool, if it could check the signature then.



Research Assistant, Geog Dept UM-Milwaukee, USA.  (www.uwm.edu/~bernhard)
Free Software Projects and Consulting 		         (intevation.net)  
Association for a Free Informational Infrastructure            (ffii.org)

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Received on Tue 30 Nov 1999 03:53:42 PM GMT

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