Re: Hypermail "throttle"

From: Eric Kimminau <>
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 1999 13:03:19 -0500
Message-ID: <>

Kent Landfield wrote:
> There is currently no "nice" call in hypermail to limit itself. Maybe
> we can consider it in the future. You might run it as a subcommand to
> nice. For example in an aliases file:
> "|nice someval 'hypermail command line'"
> I've NEVER tried this so... ;)

We will give it a shot.

> You might also be looking at a very large archive with lots of messages
> being the cause. If so then try breaking it up into smaller archives
> such as monthly archives. Tools are available for that in the latest
> release.
> And if the list is a high traffic list, consider not running it from a
> sendmail alias and instead, run it from cron. (To assure it does not
> run unnecessarily, consider using 'make' to check dependencies on the
> inbound mailbox and the archive itself. If the mailbox is newer, then
> run the hypermail command. If not, then no new message have been received
> so don't bother running it.
> Just some ideas to consider... Hope one helps.

Howdy Ken!

These are HUGE archives - plural because there are about 1000 of them.

yeah, I know. It really needs a much bigger box than a 2P O200.



  Eric Kimminau        SGI Extranet Services
      Vox:650-933-6441  Fax:248-618-9178  VNET:6-933-6441  
              "I speak my mind and no one else's."
 "I am a bomb technician. If you see me running, try to keep up..."
Received on Wed 08 Dec 1999 08:04:41 PM GMT

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