[hypermail] Can it be done?

From: Phil White <phil_at_itmagic.ltd.uk_at_hypermail-project.org>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 22:45:59 +0100
Message-ID: <3B37BF27.25527.EB9138_at_localhost>


Just a short mail, regarding the practicality of creating a customised index file. The question is, "Can it be done with Hypermail"?

This is what I want:-

A reverse-date sorted thread index (newest original thread at top)

(fine so far)

with the thread depth set at 1 (Display ONLY the root message)

(and most importantly)

give a brief summary of the message body (say first 5 lines)

Each header contains a hyperlink to the full thread index

So, can anyone tell me if Hypermail is capable of this, and how I can start?


        Phil Received on Mon 25 Jun 2001 11:51:06 PM GMT

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