[hypermail] hypermail deletes content of parsed emails

From: Sebastian Wolfgarten <sebastian.wolfgarten_at_gmx.net_at_hypermail-project.org>
Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 13:16:58 +0100
Message-ID: <006b01c1734f$95e04c80$0202a8c0_at_wolfgartensebi>


I have downloaded and installed the latest version of hypermail. My config file looks like this:
mbox = /home/sebastian/testqmail/bla
label = SuSE Linux (deutsch)
htmlsuffix = html
language = de

usemeta = 1
uselock = 0
reverse = 1

indextable = 1
progress = 1
show_msg_links = 1
showheaders = 1
showreplies = 1
showbr = 1
iquotes = 1
showhr = 1
overwrite = 0
eurodate = 1
filemode = 0644
mailto = sebastian_at_wolfgarten.com
ignore_types = text/x-vcard
ignore_types = application/x-msdownload

Now I started hypermail:
./hypermail -c /etc/hypermail.cfg -d /usr/local/httpd/htdocs -x

The problem is that he deletes the content of the mail and replaces it with "This message has been deleted from the archive". What am I doing wrong? I mean the mbox file has all mails and they really do have content but somehow hypermail deletes this content. See http://www.grepmail.de/0009.html for example..

Thanks a lot.

Sebastian Received on Thu 22 Nov 2001 02:16:42 PM GMT

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.3.0 : Sat 13 Mar 2010 03:46:12 AM GMT GMT