Re: how to chunk by date automatically

From: Charles Hall <>
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 16:18:55 -0400
Message-ID: <>

lori levy wrote:
> I'm most interested in setting this up to chunk the archives by month -- in
> other words, to set it up so that every message that comes in during
> August gets loaded to an August 98 page...

I use a Perl script to do something similar. Each night, I hypermail into a folder corresponding to the current month. On the first day of a new month, it looks for a folder by that name, which doesn't exist. This signals the creation of a new folder, and the erasure of all the old mail. This is not *exactly* what you're after, but it may be a start.

I'm attaching the Perl code. It's a short script, but I'd love to hear of a better way, if anyone's got one.

Charles Hall
Baidarka mailing List Archive

Received on Mon 17 Aug 1998 10:24:28 PM GMT

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