I had modified the 1.x code to put a little form at the bottom of each message page that hooks into a simple mailfile program so folx could mail themselves (or a friend) a copy of the article they just read. (the text file, with the same numeric name as the message, is also generated by hypermail to keep the #s consistant). In the code itself, I just had to add this sort of thing to reference the filename w/the same # as the message:
fprintf(fp, "<input type=hidden name=\"filename\" "); fprintf(fp, "value=\"%.4d.txt\">\n", num);
How hard would it be to be able to use that sort of substitution in the footer template for the messages, or will I still need to put at least that hidden field in the body of the program?
I hope this makes some sense. I'd appreciate any help!
--jenni Received on Thu 03 Dec 1998 07:33:58 PM GMT
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