I mounted hypermail-2a24 with 2a24.patch submitted by Daniel Stenberg on 10 Aug on a Solaris 7 box. It seems OK but I can't obtain the cookies %M etc. to work.
I have a line like this in hmrc file
hm_dir = /usr/local/apache/htdocs/hypermail/tidfcnr96/%y/%M
which worked fine with hypermail-20b3 putting articles in ....tidfcnr/1999/Aug/ directory.
Now hypermail creates a directory tidfcnr96/%y/%M and put there my html files.
What's wrong? Thanks in advance.
--- Enzo De Noia Universita' degli Studi di Milano Div. Telecomunicazioni - Uff. Servizi di Comunicazione Interpersonale v. G. Colombo, 46 20133 MILANO tel. 02 7575204 E-mail: Enzo.DeNoia_at_unimi.it PGP Fingerprint: 7E59 10A1 DBC7 7D5B 63E7 FEEA BA0D 6699 0CE9 94D5Received on Fri 20 Aug 1999 04:26:50 PM GMT
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