On Mon, 13 Sep 1999 jose.kahan_at_w3.org wrote:
> In our previous episode, di reinisch wolfgang said:
> >
> > following problem occures:
> >
> > when hypermail should create a new directory in the specified hm_dir it
> > does NOT but creates this new directory in the hypermail/src dir instead
> > (eg. ..../src/att-0001/).
> > the files which should be put into this new dir are still written to the
> > right destination (if one exists - that means, if i create
> > ..../hm_dir/att-0001/ manually, att-file.ext is written to that place).
> >
> I just tested it and it works for me. My guess is that you're not specifying
> the hmdir in a correct way or, if you're doing so in your .hmrc file, this
> file isn't being read.
> Have you tried the -c runtime option to specify where is the .hmrc file?
i did the '-c' way - see below
> If it still doesn't work, I suggest you mail to the list your .hmrc file
> as well as the command line you're using to launch hypermail.
how i run hypermail:
rat:~/hypermail/hypermail-2a24/src> pwd
rat:~/hypermail/hypermail-2a24/src> hypermail -c ~/public_html/think-tank/config/hmrc.conf path: /home/b_mail/public_html/think-tank/config/hmrc.conf Lade Mailbox "/home/b_mail/public_html/think-tank/mailbox/inbox"... Message-ID is missing, ignoring message with subject 'DON'T DELETE THIS MESSAGE -- FOLDER INTERNAL DATA'.
Created dir att-0001 *
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my hmrc.conf:
hm_language = de hm_mbox = /home/b_mail/public_html/think-tank/mailbox/inbox hm_label = PUBLIC DOMAIN / think tank hm_archives = NONE hm_about = NONE hm_dir = /home/b_mail/public_html/think-tank hm_defaultindex = thread hm_reverse = 1 hm_usetable = 0 hm_progress = 1 hm_show_msg_links = 0 hm_showheaders = 0 hm_showreplies = 0 hm_showhtml = 1 hm_showbr = 0 hm_iquotes = 1 hm_showhr = 0 hm_overwrite = 1 hm_increment = 0 hm_thrdlevels = 4 hm_eurodate = 1 hm_dirmode = 0755 hm_filemode = 0644 hm_mailcommand = NONE hm_mailto = NONE hm_domainaddr = mur.at hm_body = NONE hm_hmail = NONE hm_ihtmlheaderfile = /home/b_mail/public_html/think-tank/config/thinktank_header.html hm_ihtmlfooterfile = /home/b_mail/public_html/think-tank/config/thinktank_footer.html hm_mhtmlheaderfile = /home/b_mail/public_html/think-tank/config/thinktank_header.html hm_mhtmlfooterfile = /home/b_mail/public_html/think-tank/config/thinktank_footer.html hm_show_headers = From,Subject,Date hm_inline_types = image/gif image/jpeg hm_ignore_types = text/x-vcard hm_ignore_types = application/x-msdownload hm_prefered_types = text/plain text/html sinc. w di reinisch wolfgang idlhofgasse 52, a- 8020 graz gsm: +43 (0)664 1436386 mail + sms c url: http://reinisch.at/Received on Tue 14 Sep 1999 03:28:14 PM GMT
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