RE: Configure issues

From: Tom von Alten <>
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 10:29:02 -0600
Message-ID: <004a01bf1017$e733ff20$>

Perhaps SCO is too mysterious for a "configure" script. That would be unfortunate, as the general concept of configure is a GREAT one, and I very much appreciate having much or all of the O/S-specific information encapsulated in a distribution package, so that I'm less likely to have to hunt for help to get going.

Regardless of the state of SCO, I think the virtue of "configure" is beyond question. I encourage Tony and other SCO folks to try to improve how well hypermail's configure works, "as delivered," for those who will come after them.

_____________ Hewlett-Packard Computer Peripherals Bristol Tom von Alten

          This posting is for informational purposes only.
          It is not a statement of the Hewlett-Packard Co.
Received on Wed 06 Oct 1999 06:29:56 PM GMT

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