Apparently it had something to do with hypermail ignoring everything from spam.config since it still used the old syntax "set foo = bar". Thus fixed now. ID01 [setup.c]
> b) cat received hypermail -c spam.config -p
> This processes received, but
> . ignores everything written in spam.config and
> Ok, this problem has been detected.
The entire patch will follow.
> c) Not working is:
> hm_showheaders = 1
> The result (rendered through lynx) looks like:
> Return-Path: <> Received: at Infodrom Oldenburg (/\##/\ Smail- 1998-Aug-2 #2) from
> by finlandia.Infodrom.North.DE via smail with smtp id <m11WGRU-000bA4C_at_finlandia.Infodrom.North.DE> for
> <>; Wed, 29 Sep 1999 11:54:32 +0200 (CEST) Received: from ([]) by teergrube (0 sec
> delayed, relaying denied) Received: (qmail 8012 invoked by uid 847); 29 Sep 1999 09:54:07 -0000 Received: (qmail 8006
> invoked from network); 29 Sep 1999 09:54:06 -0000 Received: from (root_at_212.77.161.16) by
> with SMTP; 29 Sep 1999 09:54:06 -0000 Received: from ([]) by
> (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id LAA02623 for <>; Wed, 29 Sep 1999 11:53:07 +0200 (CEST)
> Probably somebody forgot to add <pre> and </pre> somewhere. Patch
> follows:
ID02 [print.c]
> Additionally, according to the documentation only selected header
> lines should be displayed (set by hm_show__headers = foo bar baz)
> *and* hm_showheaders. This functionality got lost. Patch will
> follow (probably 2morrow).
> hm_show_headers = list_of_RFC_Headers_to_display
> This is the list of headers to be displayed if
> hm_showheaders is set to 1 (TRUE). They can be
> listed comma or space separated all on a single
> line. If it contains the special character ``*''
> hypermail will display all header lines.
> hm_showheaders = boolean_number
> Set this to 1
There should be no newline here, patch included. ID05
> to show the article header lines in the archived
> HTML files. These lines typically include the To: ,
> From: , and Subject: information found in most
> email messages.
This has been fixed as well. Additionally I've re-patched hypermail to accept a pseudo header "*" that will result in hypermail print all header lines without specifying every possible header name. ID03 [print.c]
Btw. When writing documentation it makes the text more readable if you would use two spaces after a fullstop. This affects the manpages e.g. In fact, nroff adds two spaces if the fullstop is at the end of a line and thus gets detected by roff. Could you change this?
I also found a patch entitled with:
I'm not quite sure what the reason for this was... ID06
The entire patch is enclosed as attachement. You'll need to remove all the ">>>>" lines since they just identify the patch with the text above.
-- No question is too silly to ask, but, of course, some are too silly to answer. -- Perl bookReceived on Wed 27 Oct 1999 05:49:34 PM GMT
- text/plain attachment: hypermail-patch
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